She has a powerful perspective of finding the positive in experiences on life’s roller coaster lurches that leave many in panic.
She is the founder of the Facebook group Women Writers Editors Agents and Publishers (WWEAP) with over 6,000 members, and a member of her local Redmond Association of Spokenword (RASP).
The author of Bonded at Birth: An Adoptee’s Search for Her Roots, Gloria is an editor for Muse It Up Publishing where she helps authors create the best book they can.
People say she’s a woman of many hats and that’s probably true. An award-winning editor. An avid reader. A book reviewer. A writer. A daughter. A wife. A mother of three. A baby boomer. A cancer survivor. A reunited adoptee. The oldest of ten birth half-siblings combined but raised as an only child.
As a reunited adoptee, Gloria’s goal is to share her experience with others through her adoption memoir.
She grew up in the Crown Heights and Flatbush (Midwood) area of Brooklyn, New York and attended both public and private schools. At the age of fifteen, Gloria moved to Tel Aviv, Israel with her adoptive mother who passed away in 1979. Two months later Gloria married. Her two sons are Sabras, both born in Israel; her daughter is American born and bred, like her mother.
Gloria currently lives in Washington State with her husband and their eldest son. Another married son lives and works in the Bay area. Their daughter, the youngest, is married and lives in Washington. She and her husband have one grandson.
Book Synopsis

at Birth is a story of loss, survival,
determination, and persistence covering sixteen years of searching and nearly
forty-one years of separation. Many coincidences appear along the way. Years of
surviving cancer and overcoming other health issues, an inexplicable dream, and
finally being found bringing closure and reunion with her birth
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